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Singlefile Wines

Singlefile Blog

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Alicia Russell
10 February 2016 | Alicia Russell

When does wine reach its peak drinking age?

The last Saturday in February is Open That Bottle Night (#OTBN) an international day celebrating special wines. Many of us store wine because it is more than liquid in a bottle. It symbolizes special occasions, moments and milestones - but sooner or later they need to be drunk! #OTBN gives us the opportunity to do this. Wine ageing guides exist but determining a bottle’s peak drinking age is not an exact science. Find out more about this and how to make a decision as to which bottles you’re going to open on Saturday 27 Feb!  Continue »

Time Posted: 10/02/2016 at 9:32 AM Permalink to When does wine reach its peak drinking age? Permalink
Viv Snowden
4 January 2016 | Viv Snowden

Singlefile Vineyard Update

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Time Posted: 04/01/2016 at 5:30 PM Permalink to Singlefile Vineyard Update Permalink

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